Watercolor Workshop

As teachers, we are also encouraged to involve different stakeholders, especially external stakeholdersĀ to help our school address some issues and concerns. Last December 2, 2017, I invited my friends from the Junior Chamber International to conduct a project in our school. Good thing is that one of the members is a watercolor artist so weContinue reading “Watercolor Workshop”

Output of the Week: Addition through a Seascape Art Activity

I started my lesson in Addition through incorporating an Art lesson. IĀ  incorporated a lesson on addition by demonstrating how to make a seascape.The art lesson for this week is on “Painting a Seascape” but since painting is difficult for little children and painting materials were not available, I changed the mechanics. I had themContinue reading “Output of the Week: Addition through a Seascape Art Activity”

Crayon Resist and Etching Techniques // Resources

One of the things I loveĀ teaching to my kids in class is Art because I love it when I see them unleash their creativity and artistic ability. These are just two of my art activities in class, namely, Crayon Resist and Crayon Etching. I have collected some of the resources I use to teach CrayonContinue reading “Crayon Resist and Etching Techniques // Resources”

Event: Doodle 4 Google

“Doodle 4 Google is a competition held in different countries at different times, open to K-12 students in the country where it is held. Specifically for the Philippines, we are opening it to learners who are not in formal education but are part of the learning system of DepEd. This competition allows students to createContinue reading “Event: Doodle 4 Google”

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