Lessons from Pitaka Ko: A Game Based Activity to teach Financial Literacy

On September 2018, I went to Manila, Philippines for a day to attend a workshop on “Pitaka Ko”, a game-based learning activity for kids that aim to teach financial literacy. Financial Literacy as we all know is a very important life skill in order for humans to survive and live comfortably. That is why, this shouldContinue reading “Lessons from Pitaka Ko: A Game Based Activity to teach Financial Literacy”

How to Teach Sustainable Development during the Science Month

It’s Science Month, once again! This year’s theme is “Earth Beat: Excavating the Abyss, Pulsing the Current, Steering the Youth as Stewards of Sustainable Development.” I know the theme is kind of deep and because it’s a tradition that we conduct some different school activities and contests to our pupils such as poster making competition, weContinue reading “How to Teach Sustainable Development during the Science Month”

I teach. YOUTeacH. Reflections from the Bootcamp.

I just attended the 1st National Young Teachers Boot Camp organized by YOUTeacH Philippines last week and I felt so privileged to be part of this 1st network of Filipino young teachers primarily because the application was difficult. There were about 1500+ applications from teachers all over the Philippines and I was blessed enough toContinue reading “I teach. YOUTeacH. Reflections from the Bootcamp.”

Download: Enrollment Form and List of Requirements

The next school year is coming up and I’m sure we’re starting to get busy preparing for the first few days of classes. As a public school teacher, we are the ones who manage our enrolment, therefore, we are also in charge of the forms and requirements parents need to submit when they enroll theirContinue reading “Download: Enrollment Form and List of Requirements”

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