Output of the Week: Addition through a Seascape Art Activity

I started my lesson in Addition through incorporating an Art lesson. I  incorporated a lesson on addition by demonstrating how to make a seascape.The art lesson for this week is on “Painting a Seascape” but since painting is difficult for little children and painting materials were not available, I changed the mechanics. I had themContinue reading “Output of the Week: Addition through a Seascape Art Activity”

Output of the Week: Drawing a Person

Little children, especially in the primary grades, when they draw a person, they use circles and sticks. True enough, using different shapes and lines, one could actually draw objects including human figures. image via neogaf.com But if you come to think of it, a human body couldn’t actually be represented by sticks. Right? So IContinue reading “Output of the Week: Drawing a Person”

3 Characteristics Every Special Education Teacher Must Have (Esp. in Public Schools)

I recently attended a training on Special Education Mainstreaming and Inclusion and as a teacher, I realized that there are characteristics we need to possess in order for us to effectively handle children with special needs either in a Mainstreaming or inclusion program. During one of the talks in the training, the speaker presented theseContinue reading “3 Characteristics Every Special Education Teacher Must Have (Esp. in Public Schools)”

Watch: My students’ performances in July

I just can’t help but share these short clips of my students’ performances this July. I wasn’t able to take the whole video for both performances because my tablet’s memory was low. The first clip was when they performed “Tong tong tong Pakitong Kitong”, a Filipino folk song in class. This is nice because before theirContinue reading “Watch: My students’ performances in July”

Performance Task: One’s Own Timeline

If there is one thing that I like what students do in class is when they share their experiences. I like it when they are eager to share what they think, know and do. Sometimes, they like to share a lot of things that the class gets noisy because they all talk at the sameContinue reading “Performance Task: One’s Own Timeline”

Output of the Week: Construction of the Letter Tt using Circles

I just can’t help but post this very nice work from one of my students. I am so proud because even if they are in First Grade (5-6 years old), some of them can really produce neat, clean, organized and nice outputs. This reminds not to underestimate children and what they can do.

Parts of the Face: Video and Worksheet

Lesson: Parts of the Face I just had my lesson on the “Parts of the Face” and I started it with a song through a video from the Muffin Songs in Youtube. I like how it introduced the parts of the face. It’s very catchy, simple and repetitive which makes it easier children to learn andContinue reading “Parts of the Face: Video and Worksheet”

God loves me (Activity for the first day of class)

Objective: To let the students realize that they are special because Jesus loves them and that they are fruits of His love. Activity: 1. Start the class with a prayer through the song “Jesus loves me”. (See video below) 2. After the prayer, ask the students “Would you believe that you are special?” 3. Say:Continue reading “God loves me (Activity for the first day of class)”

Youth Leadership Excellence Award in Cagayan de Oro City

It’s Graduation Month! It’s this time of the year when Grade 6 and 4th year high school students gear up for their graduation ceremonies. It is a very special occasion to celebrate achievements of the youth in their respective schools and culminate a milestone that they have gone through. Diplomas are given and awards areContinue reading “Youth Leadership Excellence Award in Cagayan de Oro City”

A cute excuse? No, it’s not.

The graphic above may seem to be funny and meant to entertain but in reality, it’s not. In fact, there are children who come to school late and there are those who have so many absences mostly because of the things happening in their home. In my experience as a teacher especially when I startedContinue reading “A cute excuse? No, it’s not.”

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