How to Teach Sustainable Development during the Science Month

It’s Science Month, once again! This year’s theme is “Earth Beat: Excavating the Abyss, Pulsing the Current, Steering the Youth as Stewards of Sustainable Development.” I know the theme is kind of deep and because it’s a tradition that we conduct some different school activities and contests to our pupils such as poster making competition, weContinue reading “How to Teach Sustainable Development during the Science Month”

Basic Education Research Fund (BERF) Research

(Updated) This school year is super-duper hectic for me. I did two school-based action researches and a thesis for my Master’s Degree. You can just imagine how I was able to complete them in between my full-time work as a teacher. But if you’re asking why I tried to “kill myself” with all these paperwork,Continue reading “Basic Education Research Fund (BERF) Research”

5 Mobile Apps to Teach Word Families

1. Endless Wordplay Endless Wordplay is a spelling and rhyming app for kids. Each word lesson lets kids put together 3 rhyming words and these words are used in sentences. By introducing spelling patterns and phonograms, the app is great for kids beginning to spell and write. Originator offers 9 Lessons for Free and allowsContinue reading “5 Mobile Apps to Teach Word Families”

Download: Week 33 (4th Grading) Grade 1 DLL

Please feel free to download the Week 32 (4th Grading – 2nd week) DLL here. The files were uploaded in Google Drive. For those who are not familiar with Google Drive, follow the instruction I posted here.

Download: Week 32 (4th Grading) Grade 1 DLL

Please feel free to download the Week 32 (4th Grading – 2nd week) DLL here. The files were uploaded in Google Drive. For those who are not familiar with Google Drive, follow the instruction I posted here.

Download: Learning Disabilities and Interventions You Can Do

Yesterday, we organized a Reading Intervention Seminar for the parents of our students and I was tasked to discuss about the different learning disabilities affecting reading performance and what parents can do to help their children. I made a very simple and easy to understand presentation which contains interventions I found in my research andContinue reading “Download: Learning Disabilities and Interventions You Can Do”

My first Cebuano/Bisaya Reading Workbook is now ready for the incoming School Year.

Finally, my first Cebuano/Bisaya Reading Workbook for Grade 1 is now finished and complete. The workbook follows the Marungko Approach in introducing the letters. The workbook focuses on the letters widely used in the Cebuano/Bisaya Mother Tongue. Each page of the workbook has the following: Upper part of the page: The Letter in focus 2nd part: picturesContinue reading “My first Cebuano/Bisaya Reading Workbook is now ready for the incoming School Year.”

Download: Enrollment Form and List of Requirements

The next school year is coming up and I’m sure we’re starting to get busy preparing for the first few days of classes. As a public school teacher, we are the ones who manage our enrolment, therefore, we are also in charge of the forms and requirements parents need to submit when they enroll theirContinue reading “Download: Enrollment Form and List of Requirements”

Bear Hunt: Grade 1 Jazz Chant

  It’s the National Reading Month and our Grade 1 pupils performed a Jazz Chant during the Opening Salvo. Here’s the Jazz Chant entitled “Bear Hunt” which Grade 1 pupils can easily understand and memorize. My co-teacher, Ms. Michelle Hojas, already assigned parts for the boys and girls so it wouldn’t be hard for you.Continue reading “Bear Hunt: Grade 1 Jazz Chant”

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