Lesson Idea: Teaching Action Words (with Video)

What better way to teach Action Verbs than letting the pupils do it themselves? After letting the pupils read the action words, I called some pupils to act the words in front. Not only they like and enjoy the activity as they see their classmates perform, I, as the teacher, also get to learn someContinue reading “Lesson Idea: Teaching Action Words (with Video)”

Decoding Vocabulary through Puzzles

  *Click on the links for more references. 🙂 The use of puzzles in teaching has been proven to be effective, especially in teaching younger children. It has a lot of benefits, such as improving pupils’ eye-hand coordination, memory, and even problem-solving skills. There are a lot of things that you can do with it, dependingContinue reading “Decoding Vocabulary through Puzzles”

Teach “Classifying Nouns” in a fun way! Join the race!

//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});   How do you teach Classifying Nouns in a fun way? One of the lessons that I had in the Filipino subject during the Second Grading Period was on classifying nouns according to tao, bagay, hayop, lugar (person, thing, animal, place). One of the activities I did to introduce the lessonContinue reading “Teach “Classifying Nouns” in a fun way! Join the race!”

Lesson Idea: Race to Spell!

  Race to Spell! Form groups of pupils. Have them form a line. Each group will have a box with strips of letters. Call the first pupil per group. Tell the rest of the pupils to cheer for their team mate! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Say the word to be spelled. At a go signal, eachContinue reading “Lesson Idea: Race to Spell!”

Lesson Idea: Learning Math and having fun with Bingo Cards

The classic bingo game we all know can be used in teaching, especially in Math, in a variety of ways. My recent lesson in Math is on Addition Facts and we played a Bingo game to let my pupils practice adding while having fun! What you need: Printed bingo sheets, one for each pupil (just make sureContinue reading “Lesson Idea: Learning Math and having fun with Bingo Cards”

Lesson Idea: Of straws, houses and family. It’s Science Month!

It’s Science and Technology Month! We don’t have a Science subject in Grade One but it never hurts to bring Science concepts in the classroom and integrate it in class. And I kind of promised my pupils that we will be doing experiments for the entire month to celebrate the Science and Technology month. SinceContinue reading “Lesson Idea: Of straws, houses and family. It’s Science Month!”

More DIY Learning Materials made from Scrap + Involving Parents

  Hello, everyone! If you have been reading my previous blog posts, you will know that I have been sharing some DIY projects on learning materials made from scrap. My 1st DIY project was what I called the Ultimate Reading Board while my 2nd project was using used egg trays to teach reading. On this post, I’llContinue reading “More DIY Learning Materials made from Scrap + Involving Parents”

DIY: The Ultimate Reading Game Board

  I have been creating some reading materials from scrap, recycled and indigenous materials lately and I’m happy that I was able to get the support from the parents of my pupils. It was also perfect timing that we conducted a reading intervention seminar last week  and the requirement was for parents to create readingContinue reading “DIY: The Ultimate Reading Game Board”

Lesson Ideas in teaching Tempo to children

Tell the story of the “Hare and the Tortoise” as motivation or preliminary activity. Ask the children who moved fast or slow. Let them imitate the actions of the animals in fast and slow movement. Show pictures of persons or animals doing fast and slow movements. Show a video clip of a person or aContinue reading “Lesson Ideas in teaching Tempo to children”

Nutrition Month Opening Classroom Activities

  July is Nutrition Month in the Philippines. We kicked off the month with classroom activities related to health and nutrition. In my class, we started off doing some exercise after our circle time. I pointed that it is very important to do some exercises every day and that it should be the first thingContinue reading “Nutrition Month Opening Classroom Activities”

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