I teach. YOUTeacH. Reflections from the Bootcamp.

I just attended the 1st National Young Teachers Boot Camp organized by YOUTeacH Philippines last week and I felt so privileged to be part of this 1st network of Filipino young teachers primarily because the application was difficult. There were about 1500+ applications from teachers all over the Philippines and I was blessed enough toContinue reading “I teach. YOUTeacH. Reflections from the Bootcamp.”

My first Cebuano/Bisaya Reading Workbook is now ready for the incoming School Year.

Finally, my first Cebuano/Bisaya Reading Workbook for Grade 1 is now finished and complete. The workbook follows the Marungko Approach in introducing the letters. The workbook focuses on the letters widely used in the Cebuano/Bisaya Mother Tongue. Each page of the workbook has the following: Upper part of the page: The Letter in focus 2nd part: picturesContinue reading “My first Cebuano/Bisaya Reading Workbook is now ready for the incoming School Year.”

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