Teaching Prepositions To and From (With Integration of EPP lesson)

Hello, everyone! It’s been awhile since my last post. That’s because I got so busy with lots of paperwork since the school year is about to end. Also, we started to adopt a new teacher evaluation form as required by the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) and so, we are still adjusting and trying to cope up with the requirements. One of the things being emphasized in the new system is for teachers to be able to integrate lessons and we all know that it is very challenging.

Just a few weeks ago, I was able to successfully integrate a lesson from EPP (Edukasyong Pangtahanan at Pangkabuhayan/ Home Economics and Livelihood Education) to English. So, this is an example on how I integrate my lessons.

I was browsing through the learner’s materials, I came across with a lesson in their EPP (I am not the teacher for this subject) on different kinds of entrepreneurs and businesses. At the end of the lesson, the objective was for the students to be able to think about and share what kind of business they would like to pursue if given the chance in the future. So, I took this chance to conduct a simple activity wherein the students drew the business they want to build. There were so many great outputs. Of course, I have to ask some of them to share their outputs in class.

Now, this is where the integration came in. As I was reviewing my lesson in English, I realized that the lesson on the following day was on prepositions to and from. When I read this, an idea came into my mind immediately. I decided to use their drawings in EPP to create a map just like the photo below (I did took a photo of the actual map that I did but somehow, it got deleted on my phone).

Then, I used the map to teach the two prepositions. I created sentences like “Ana just came home from Somobay’s Bakery” and “Bea went to the cake shop to buy blueberry cheesecake”. The students also created their own sentences using the map.

Integration might be very difficult but if you come to think about it, it actually helps ease our work as teachers. I will share more if i have other ideas soon. If you also have some ideas to share, feel free to write for us.

Happy Teaching!


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