Performance Task for Sequencing Events

Sequencing Events is a very important reading skill for this aids reading comprehension. By sequencing events, teachers will know if the students  are able to understand what happened in the story, as well as note some details from it. If the students are able to practice and master sequencing events, they can tell the story in their own words, summarize it, or show the events in the story through another medium.

In my case, I always give performance tasks on this skill and one of the activities that I love for them to do is to create a mini-comic strip or simply a drawing of the events in the story. In this way, I would know if they somehow have a clear picture on the events in the story.

One example is when I used the story The Old Man, His Son, and the DonkeyThe story is short but somehow complicated because there is a number of characters (supporting) in the story and in each sequence, there is a new character introduced. This story, I believe, can test both memory and comprehension among the pupils.

Here are two examples of what my pupils did in class.  Shoutout to my pupils Shelwyn and Rena for a job well done!



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