Download: Game Board for teaching Time Expressions

If you are looking for a fun activity to reinforce and practice concepts on Time Expressions, you might want to do this very simple board game.

  1. Prepare the following materials.
  • Dice (For this activity, I just created the dice from cardboard. The number of dice you need to prepare will depend on how many groups of pupils you will form. In my case, I created 4 groups.)
  • Time Express Board Game Template (I downloaded the material from ISL Collective. You may print 1 copy for each group but in my case, I just printed 1 copy for the entire class.)
  • Marking Pens (Preferably, different colors per team if you are using 1 board game template only.)
  • Adhesive/masking tape







The mechanics of the game:

  1.  Divide the pupils into groups.
  2. Each group will choose their player.
  3. The players from each group will throw a dice.









4. The numbers written in the dice signifies the number of tiles (or boxes) they would be moving forward on the game board. For example, if the player gets 3, then he/she will count 3 tiles on the game board. Then, he/she will put an X mark on board.

5. After putting an X mark, the player will read the question written on the tile.  He/she must be able to answer the question using time expressions. The other group members can help out in constructing the sentence/s. (Example question: When did you last play a  sport?”)

6. Repeat steps 2-5. The group who will reach the finish the game board first wins the game.

Look at my happy pupils below!

Happy Teaching!

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