Download: Early Grade Math Assessment

A new school year just began and it is at this time of the year when we do a lot of diagnostic tests and assessment pre-tests to our students. One of the things that we assess among our pupils is their math skills and that is through the use of the Early Grade Math Assessment (EGMA). The toolkit was created by USAID and are being adapted and used by many countries around the word, including the Philippines.

If you’re a K-3 teacher, it is a very useful tool to know where your pupils are at which will help you identify interventions later on.

If you haven’t found the toolkit yet, I uploaded it through Google Drive and you may downloaded the files from the link below.

Early Grade Math Assessment

The files were uploaded in Google Drive. For those who are not familiar with Google Drive, follow the instruction I posted here.

Happy Teaching! 🙂

Other Downloadables:

School Calendar 2017-2018

IPCRF Layout

Form 137 with Kindergarten Record

Digital Storytelling Kit for Teachers

Addition of 2-digit Numbers Powerpoint

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